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Step by step

Follow our step by step instructions how to place an order for a simple and fast company incorporation and bank account opening in jurisdiction of your choice OR let our offshore specialists present you the best jurisdiction for company and bank account based on your business activity and expected project.


Individual approach and professional assistance!

STEP 1 – Receive information about our services for tax optimization solutions

BEFORE the company creation and bank account opening WE ADVISE you to contact our experts to better understand our services and to obtain the knowledge about our offered jurisdictions. We will present our services for the most effective tax optimization, depending on your business activity, objectives and needs.

Approximate duration of the phone conversation with our expert is 30 – 45 minutes. Or you can request an eye to eye meeting in our office in London, UK.

STEP 2 – Place your order by filling the instruction form

Fill the information about your business or personal activity and let our experts create an individual solution for your project to save and protect your funds with a maximum efficiency.

We guarantee and ensure that the information given will stay confidential and be protected.

Place an order

STEP 3 – Your personal case manager will contact you!

After we will receive the information about your business, your personal file manager will be assigned on your case and he will contact you personally. The specialist will be the person who will manage and will assist the company incorporation and bank account opening processes.

You can be sure that all of our specialists are experienced and certified for all the necessary actions and processes.

By cooperating with us you will receive: an INDIVIDUAL APPROACH on your case no matter how big is your project. We highly value all our clients. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE in all stages.

* The consultation provided by ICD Fiduciaries has an informative meaning. We provide information about the company registration, bank account opening and documentation necessary for the preparation of a variety of jurisdictions.

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