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Mauritius International Company formation

mauritius company formation

Mauritius company formation

International Mauritius Global Business Company 2 (GBC2) with 0%

Mauritius is located in the Indian Ocean near the French Island of Reunion. The capital of Mauritius is Port Louis and is located on the west coast. All about Mauritius company formation just below.

Mauritius has a well-diversified and structured economy and has successfully emerged as a reliable international financial services center over the past two decades.

By incorporating a Mauritius international company the entrepreneurs will benefit  from this full tax compliant, intelligent, low tax financial services jurisdiction.

Its economy is well diversified with agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, financial services and the seafood hub being the economic pillars. The island has become a remarkable international center with many banks and financial companies.

Mauritius can provide a unique variety of features which can suit your requirements and add offer a wide range of global investment vehicles (check our infos about Delaware offshore company, hong kong offshore company, and offshore company formation).

Despite a rather touristic image, the fact remains that Mauritius offers the advantage of complete privacy and legal safeguards since names are not published and the structures are anonymous.

There are two types of Global Business Companies namely the Category 1 Global Business Company (“GBC1”) and the Category 2 Global Business Company (“GBC2”). That’s why Mauritius company formation is easy and quick.

While the GBC1 is resident for tax purposes in Mauritius and can thus avail itself of the benefits of the double taxation treaties signed by Mauritius, the GBC2 is tax exempt and is typically used where no tax treaty benefits are sought.

Mauritius company formation : A growing economy

Regarding GDP per capita, Mauritius ranks among the best countries in Africa. When it gained independence in the late 1960s, agriculture represented nearly 20% of the Mauritian economy. 

From the 1980s, Mauritius has grown at 5% per year and has been able to boost and diversify its economy.

The Mauritian economy is healthy and growing. The unemployment rate is falling and now reaches 7.3 % of the population.

Political stability

If Mauritius has one of the best GDP per capita in Africa, it is also largely due to its political stability. In 2002, the country notably put in place a law against corruption. It can also rely on solidity in its institutions and in its financial and banking system.

A welcoming land for international companies

Mauritius has become over time a preferred destination for the incorporation of international companies. Ready for your Mauritius company formation?

It has been able to build this attractiveness by developing its international financial services along several lines: asset management, banking services, international licenses, pension funds, etc.

Naturally, these services are accompanied by an administrative, legal and fiscal system favorable to entrepreneurs and companies. 

Mauritius International Company formation is most suitable for

  • Holding intellectual property rights,
  • For consultants,
  • To hold movable and immovable property,
  • For international business,
  • E-commerce,
  • For brokers on the stock market and Forex.

Advantages of Mauritius international company formation

  • 0% corporate tax rate  on net profits arising from international business operations,
  • No withholding tax on dividends and benefits payable by international companies,
  • No capital gains tax,
  • No estate duty or inheritance tax is payable on the inheritance of shares in an international entity.

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