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International company formation in Gibraltar

gibraltar company formation

Gibraltar is a British overseas territory. Since 1704 it has been a United Kingdom possession. It is located in the south of Spain, on the edge of the Strait of Gibraltar which links the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean. Many reasons to opt for a Gibraltar company formation.

Gibraltar international company – 0% tax and reputable jurisdiction

Since the opening of the border with Spain in 1985, the level of tourism and investment has increased dramatically. There are several international banks and insurance companies which have offices in Gibraltar.

Gibraltar enjoys special status within the Community and is exempted from the Common Customs Tariff, the Common Agricultural Policy and Value Added Taxation. 

Gibraltar international company: Who and for what activities?

  • Entrepreneur;
  • Consultants;
  • International trade;
  • Commerce on the Internet;
  • Stockbrokers;
  • For inheritance purposes;
  • Intellectual property holding rights.
  • Intellectual property holding rights.

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    gibraltar company formation

    Gibraltar company formation : Benefits and Advantages

    International Company in Gibraltar

    Due to its strategic position, Gibraltar attracts a lot of investors. The territory also has widely developed economic and social infrastructure .

    Various international financial institutions, several insurance organizations and companies of all kinds are established there. A Gibraltar company formation could be a key in your strategy. Ready for a Gibraltar company formation?

    Just like a Mauritius company formation, delaware offshore company or an hong kong offshore company.

    An economy on the British model

    Although located in the south of Spain, Gibraltar is a territory belonging to the United Kingdom, although it is still claimed by Spain.

    As such, Gibraltar’s economic model is similar to that exercised in the United Kingdom. It is a liberal economy that leaves a lot of room for businesses and entrepreneurs

    An advantageous legal situation

    The territory of Gibraltar is not subject to the common agricultural policy, VAT and the common external tariff.

    This situation also allows Gibraltar to apply a relatively low tax rate. It is even considered a tax haven by some countries, especially Spain.

    These advantageous characteristics make Gibraltar a privileged land for international companies which can then practice tax optimization.

    Advantages of Gibraltar company

      • 0% corporate tax, if you will be doing your business outside Gibraltar.
      • Reputable jurisdiction.
      • Simple management as only one director and one shareholder are required;
      • Since English is the official language, there is no need to translate any documents.
      • Freedom to do business globally;
      • Good for e-business, because there will be lower rate for means of payments.
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