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Incorporation of an international company in Belize

Belize offshore company

Belize offshore company

International company in Belize with 0% tax

Belize is located in the Caribbean, at the level of Central America. It is today an independent country extending over more than 23,000 km ². 

Belize is a member of the British Commonwealth. The leaders of this jurisdiction have always made the country’s economic development a priority. International investment has always been encouraged.

Since 1981 Belize has became an independent democratic commonwealth country located on the Caribbean seaboard of Central America.

Many investors are driven by the possibility to incorporate a tax exempt Belize international company. The government of Belize is fully committed to the ongoing development of it as a leading jurisdiction.

International Business Company (IBC) is the most popular form of international corporate structure. An IBC is formed under the International Business Company Act 1990 and generally must conduct its trading and business outside Belize. At the same time, legislation of Belize also allows an IBC to carry on a number of activities within Belize jurisdiction. Belize IBCs are used for a diversity of tax planning and international investment purposes.

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    International Company in Belize

    Belize presents a very attractive jurisdiction for entrepreneurs wishing to set up their international companies there.

    Belize is renowned for the speed of incorporation of international companies and the preservation of the anonymity of their members. It is a tax haven.

    Establish an IBC in Belize and benefit from 0% taxes

    The International Business Company (IBC) is the country’s most common form of international company.

    The formation of an IBC is not subject to any minimum capital, nor any nationality obligation. On the other hand, an IBC cannot conduct business with companies in Belize, nor hold real estate there.

    All information relating to the international company in Belize is held by a Registered Agent. The latter is required by law never to disclose this information.

     Who and for what should choose Belize international company

    • Entrepreneurs,
    • Consultants,
    • International traders,
    • E-commerce business,
    • Stockbrokers,
    • For inheritance purposes,
    • For intellectual property holding rights.

    Advantages of a Belize international company

    • No corporation tax – 0%,
    • No publicly accessible records,
    • No requirement to file accounts,
    • Very cost effective,
    • Fast incorporation time.
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