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Advantages of Belgium company formation:

Belgium company formation

Belgium company formation

Belgium is Federal constitutional monarchy. After the area Belgium is one of the smallest countries in Europe. It is located in the center of Europe therefore Belgium is also known as the heart of Europe.

Belgium provides an excellent transport and communications infrastructure. A solid platform for businesses looking to develop their activities in the wider European market.

It has economy and political power. In its capital city Brussels, European Union institutions and NATO headquarters are located. Belgium’s economy is modern, open, and private enterprise tended. Belgium has highly developed transport network, diversified industrial and commercial base.

Belgium consumers are relatively wealthy and open to new products and ideas. There are many types of companies but Belgium limited liability company (SPRL) formation  is the most common company legal type for medium and large businesses and is very attractive to investors.

Company incorporation in Belgium

Belgium has a corporate tax rate levied at a rate of 25%. This rate applies to both Belgian companies and Belgian PEs of foreign companies. The country is a popular destination for tax expatriates. Indeed, the jurisdiction is interesting; there is no wealth tax and no capital gains tax.

Located at the heart of the European Union, Belgium is a very interesting jurisdiction, especially for investors wishing to combine financing activities and intellectual property activities .

Who and for what should form a Belgium Company

  • Entrepreneur,
  • Consultants,
  • International trade,
  • Commerce on the Internet,
  • Stockbrokers.

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    Setting up a company in Belgium to benefit from tax advantages

    An international holding company based in Belgium can take advantage of very beneficial tax conditions and access the many tax treaties concluded by the country:

    • European Union Directives, and in particular the regime of parent-subsidiary holding companies, as well as interest and royalties,
    • Tax exemptions concerning the exemption from withholding tax on dividends, interest and royalties paid,
    • Tax exemptions concerning the zero-rating of withholding taxes relating to interest received on loans, registered securities or deposits.

    Advantages of a Belgium company formation

    • No license fee,
    • Low minimum capital requirements,
    • No disclosure of beneficial ownership to authorities,
    • Excellent communications.
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