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Offshore Case Studies for your business structure

Les cas pratiques de ICD Fiduciaries

ICD Fiduciaries offshore Case Studies

The case studies presented are intended to show you how practical legal solutions are likely to allow you to optimize your tax bases and tax rates, using an offshore and international companies together with offshore bank accounts.

It’s very likely that one of these cases probably will meets your needs and present your business project.

Although these examples may not be directly transposed to your case therefore our experts will actively advise you on the most appropriate way to apply our offshore solutions. You will find several business project and activity variations with most advisable structure for tax optimization.

Case study 1: The Use of an Offshore Holding Company

Case study 2: The Use of an Offshore Finance Holding Company,

Case study 3: The Use of an Offshore Service Company,

Case study 4: The Use of Offshore Trading Company in EU

Case study 5: Real Estate Offshore Company and Property Investment

Case study 6: The Use of Rental Property Investment

Case study 7: Offshore Online Sales of Computer Hardware.

Case Study 8: Successful Fiscal Optimization for Apple

Case Study 9: Offshore Online Sales of Consumer Products,

Case Study 10: Offshore Online Sales of MP3 Music

Case Study 11: Offshore Online Sales of Electronic Goods

Contact us and we will give you an experts opinion.

Discover also:

– Offshore and International company formation,

– Additional services for your offshore company,

– Who and for what activities can be used an offshore structure.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

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